Maybe you don’t know what the next step is in your spiritual journey or maybe you’re not confident how to engage in a spiritual journey- it’s okay, we’ve all been there.  At Radius, we love to talk to people about how to begin a spiritual journey with God.  In fact, we have what we call a BEGIN book that actually walks you through what a spiritual journey looks like as it begins. Email info@radchurch.com and request yours today or even better, pick up a BEGIN book any Sunday from our welcome desk.   

Christianity Explored

As you continue to explore what this spiritual journey looks like, you may be asking what does it mean when someone says “Christian”?  That term is tossed around in society a lot, but we have a class that unpacks what Christianity actually is and what it means to be a Christian.  Sign up today to let us know you’re interested in this class.

Discipleship Explored

Following Jesus looks different for each of us, but there are some principles of following Him that’s the same for us all.  We dive into what discipleship means and how to live as a disciple in our changing culture in this class.  The next step in your spiritual journey may be to look at what it means to follow Jesus, then this class is for you.  Sign up today to let us know you’re interested in taking the next step by attending this class. 

Radius Explored

You’ve found a church family where you are wanted.  Now get the personal story of Radius and learn what it means to attend and be a part of your new church family.  Sign up today for our next Radius Explored class

Partnership Explored

Maybe you’re looking to become a committed part of a church family. Learn more about what it means to link arms and be a partner at Radius. You can also find out more by attending a Partnership Explored Class.  Click here to sign up for our next Partnership Explored Class


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