Blake Clark
Lead Pastor
After ministering in Tennessee, North Carolina and Arizona, Blake moved to St. Pete, Florida in 2007 to serve as a youth pastor. In the five years while Blake worked with students in the local community, he fell in love with St. Petersburg and its people. After a year and a half sabbatical as a time of rest where he focused on hearing from and speaking to God, Blake returned to St. Pete to start Radius Church in September of 2014.
Blake loves people and has a gift of communicating the Word of God and his vision. He is excited to lead Jesus followers to be on mission and to show the visible, tangible love of Jesus Christ in their circles of influence.
Blake loves people and has a gift of communicating the Word of God and his vision. He is excited to lead Jesus followers to be on mission and to show the visible, tangible love of Jesus Christ in their circles of influence.
Amanda clark
Associate Pastor– Leadership
Amanda Clark, wife of our lead pastor Blake, has been in full time ministry since 1999 through her roles in Christian education, church administration, and different family ministry positions. In 2014, she helped to co-found Radius Church.
Amanda is involved in many parts of the church as it grows and transforms including the teaching team and also having a significant voice in the visioning of Radius.
Amanda and Blake have two children- Allison and Arizona.
Amanda is involved in many parts of the church as it grows and transforms including the teaching team and also having a significant voice in the visioning of Radius.
Amanda and Blake have two children- Allison and Arizona.
Kirsten Knox
Associate Pastor — Rad Students
Kirsten is a Hoosier who grew up in small towns of rural Indiana. In 2001, she moved to Clearwater and began a career in youth ministry, a field in which she continues to minister. Kirsten also leads as the Executive Director of the Youth Ministry Institute; a non-profit organization that partners and consults with churches in their family ministry needs as well as coaches and trains youth and children’s leaders. Kirsten is devoted to helping all people discover their God given value and creating safe spaces for people to be their true self and have encounters with God.
Kristen Gericke
Family Ministry Coordinator
Kristen started working in family ministry in 2005 and has held many positions over the years in administration, children’s ministry, youth ministry as well as several additional years experience as a preschool teacher. Kristen is passionate about helping families raise their children in the full expression of the love of God. She brings life to our family ministry with her many skills in events, planning and organization. It’s these skills that also help her lead our Rad Women group.
Kristen along with her husband, Brent, were a vital part of the Radius launch team. Together they have three boys- Xander, Zac and Zane.
Kristen along with her husband, Brent, were a vital part of the Radius launch team. Together they have three boys- Xander, Zac and Zane.
Jenn Gaskins
Rad Kids Nursery and Preschool Coordinator
Jenn has led our nursery and preschool at Radius since 2016. She enjoys building relationships with all the little ones each week and getting a chance to build relationships with their families as well.
Jenn has one daughter, three stepsons, and a corgi named Chewbacca. When she isn't taking care of all of them, she teaches middle school Math, Science and English.
Jenn loves that St. Petersburg is full of so many different types of people who all have one thing in common: the need to know that they are loved and cared for. She loves being a part of Radius which has a great opportunity and responsibility to show St. Pete God’s love.
Jenn has one daughter, three stepsons, and a corgi named Chewbacca. When she isn't taking care of all of them, she teaches middle school Math, Science and English.
Jenn loves that St. Petersburg is full of so many different types of people who all have one thing in common: the need to know that they are loved and cared for. She loves being a part of Radius which has a great opportunity and responsibility to show St. Pete God’s love.
Andrew Roehm
Worship Leader
Andrew seeks to recognize, help create and amplify the culture of worship that is unique to Radius Church.
Andrew enjoys building relationships over board games and over food. In fact, he describes himself as “food motivated,” and is only a few snacks, or a meal away from being your best friend. Forever.
Andrew's wife Sarah plays a key role on our worship team; and their son Judah is well on his way to finding his place on the Rad Worship team!
Andrew loves the culture and energy of St. Pete. He believes that there is such a spirit of acceptance laced throughout this city. If you love something, you can find someone in St. Pete who not only loves it too, but will celebrate it with you. Regardless of age, race, gender, or any other criteria, there is something here for everyone. Andrew says, "There are two types of people—those who love St. Pete, and those who haven't been here yet.
Want to get to know Andrew better? Talk to him on Sunday morning or connect with him online
Facebook: facebook.com/aroehm
Instagram: @bonjourachilles
Andrew enjoys building relationships over board games and over food. In fact, he describes himself as “food motivated,” and is only a few snacks, or a meal away from being your best friend. Forever.
Andrew's wife Sarah plays a key role on our worship team; and their son Judah is well on his way to finding his place on the Rad Worship team!
Andrew loves the culture and energy of St. Pete. He believes that there is such a spirit of acceptance laced throughout this city. If you love something, you can find someone in St. Pete who not only loves it too, but will celebrate it with you. Regardless of age, race, gender, or any other criteria, there is something here for everyone. Andrew says, "There are two types of people—those who love St. Pete, and those who haven't been here yet.
Want to get to know Andrew better? Talk to him on Sunday morning or connect with him online
Facebook: facebook.com/aroehm
Instagram: @bonjourachilles
Andrew LaChance
Gathering Producer
Andrew produces our Sunday gathering and leads our Production team. Andrew is skilled in many technical and mechanical areas and adds so much to our Radius family by using those talents for the kingdom. Andrew has never met a problem he couldn’t work and investigate to figure out and that makes what he brings to the Radius team so vital as we continue to move the mission forward.
Andrew is married to Amy who was a part of our launch team and together they have three daughters- Riley, Mackenzie and Ziva.
Andrew is married to Amy who was a part of our launch team and together they have three daughters- Riley, Mackenzie and Ziva.
Brennan Powell
Leader – Prayer Team
Brennan was born and raised in St. Pete, and he has been attending Radius since 2016. He loves talking to people and building relationships that bring new and exciting things into his life.
Throughout the week and on Sundays, Brennan spends time praying for all functions of Radius and leads a team to do so as well. If you have a prayer concern, Brennan or a member of the prayer team is available to pray with you and he is often found at Radius’ prayer wall to meet and pray with anyone in need.
Brennan really loves the abundance of history in St. Petersburg. He takes pleasure in knowing that the town he was born and raised in has a rich background and great people that make it a beautiful and unique place to live.
Throughout the week and on Sundays, Brennan spends time praying for all functions of Radius and leads a team to do so as well. If you have a prayer concern, Brennan or a member of the prayer team is available to pray with you and he is often found at Radius’ prayer wall to meet and pray with anyone in need.
Brennan really loves the abundance of history in St. Petersburg. He takes pleasure in knowing that the town he was born and raised in has a rich background and great people that make it a beautiful and unique place to live.
Stephanie Narron
Financial Team Lead
Stephanie and her son Aiden were a part of Radius launch team and played a key role in the visioning of who Radius is today. Stephanie had years of banking and small business experience and stepped into the role of church treasurer from day one.
Stephanie has a love for people and a true gift of relationships These skills are seen as she leads the finance team and also in her many other roles at Radius, including directing our serve team orientation and hosting our Sunday gatherings.
Stephanie grew up in the greater St. Pete area and currently works as a realtor in the community.
Stephanie has a love for people and a true gift of relationships These skills are seen as she leads the finance team and also in her many other roles at Radius, including directing our serve team orientation and hosting our Sunday gatherings.
Stephanie grew up in the greater St. Pete area and currently works as a realtor in the community.